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Jai Chuhan solo exhibition, Champ Lacombe, Biarritz, France 27 April - 3 June 2024.


Jai Chuhan solo exhibition, Paris Internationale art fair, October 2023, with Champ Lacombe gallery. 


Small Paintings solo exhibition, Qrystal Partners, London. 4 May - 15 June 2023. Curated by Donald Ryan

2 Jai Chuhan 'Refuge' exhibition Gallery

Refuge solo exhibition Gallery Oldham Asia Triannial Manchester 2018

Sometimes paintings by Jai Chuhan are shown within installations of objects and involve dance. For Asia Triennial Manchester 2018 in her Remodel: Painting Studio solo exhibition in the main gallery at HOME, she commenced eight large paintings alongside a display of completed paintings and objects including hanging sari textiles, with visitors able to paint and join events with life models and dancers. Music and colour created an immersive space, for interactions between objects, people and a variety of art practices – in an exhibition that was a live art studio for Jai chuhan and for also visitors who could make paintings in the gallery. The curator Adam Carr found links with the exhibition curated by Bart De Baere in 1994 at Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst in Ghent titled This is the show and the show is of many things.

Adam Carr comments that Jai Chuhan’s show ‘…seemed to posit constant questions of control and loss of control, and issues of roles of artist, participant, audience and spectator, and they seemed to interchange, conflate and be subject to renewal throughout’. 

 - Adam Carr, Jai Chuhan :This is the show and the show is Remodeled in Jai Chuhan: Refuge, Gulab Publications, distributed by Cornerhouse Publications, forthcoming 2020.                                                         


3 Jai Chuhan 'Remodel Painting Studio' e

Remodel Painting Studio solo exhibition at HOME Asia Trieinnal Manchester 2018

image credit Mario Popham

12 Jai Chuhan 'Remodel Painting Studio'
7 Jai Chuhan 'Remodel Painting Studio' e
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